Laptops and Textbooks
General Laptop Information
All high school students are required to have a laptop and backpack each semester.
Laptops are to be charged at night before coming to school. There are no charging stations available in classrooms, seminar, etc.
Student backpacks with protective sleeves or individual protective sleeves are required to transport laptops. Protective sleeves can be purchased for $10 from the school office
A Technology Fee of $30 will be enforced annually. Payments can be made online through the school website or by check or exact cash in the Crossroads main office.
Technology fees must be paid prior to receiving your laptop.
How to login to a Laptop
To login to ANY computer at I-SS do the following:
Name/Username = your Lunchroom Number
Password = computer password you have chosen
If you cannot log in, you are entering something incorrectly.
Check your typing, make sure Caps Lock is off and try again.
Laptop Technical Help
Students who are having problems with their laptop should use the troubleshooting tips on the district teachnology page.
If students are unable to resovle the problem then they need to contact our technology DLA for assitance.
Textbook Information
Crossroads will issue high school and college textbooks each semester. Textbooks are school property and are on loan to students. Students are responsible for the condition and keeping up with all textbooks.
Students will be charged for damaged or lost textbooks each semester.
Teaching staff will issue high school textbooks in class.
College textbooks and access codes will be checked out and returned to our Mitchell Liason or our bookkeeper.