Student Testing
Students take a variety of tests at Crossroads Arts & Science Early College.
High School Exams - High school exams are typically given during the last 5 days of each semester. Students may take teacher made exams, CTE state assessmets, North Carolina Final Exams (NCFE), and End-of-Course (EOC) exams. The exam schedule will be posted in late November or early December for fall exams and late April or early May for spring exams. High school exams count for 20% of a students final grade.
Mitchell Community College Exams - The MCC exams are at the end of each semester. The schedule will differ from the normal class schedule. Mithcell posts the exam schedule each fall and spring on their website.
College entrance exams - High school students will be given the Pre-ACT, Pre-SAT, and the ACT during high school. Students may also take SAT at their owne descretion. Pre-ACT and Pre-SAT are preparatory tests for the ACT and SAT.